Conical on-line dripper 3.1 l/h

High uniformity and precision dripper. Suitable for nay kind of culture, (horticulture, vineyards or fruit culture).
The designs of the labyrinth give a turbulent flow system reducing the possible obstructions and increasing the uniformity of the emitter. The conical design makes easy to dismantle it allowing and easy cleaning in the case of any incident during filtration.
The used raw materials in the production are resistant to the agrochemicals products and also to the effects of the UV radiations.

Material/s: Prolypropylene copolymer.

Assembly:  Punch a locating hole in the tube using a 3 mm punch part number re. 1170/1158.

  • Detachable for easy cleaning.


• Turbulent operating mode.
• Average flow at 1 bar: 3.15 l/h.
• Coefficient of variation: 0.04.
• Flow/pressure curve:

Q = 3,085 x P0,57.

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