Back-pack atomizer with pressure tank

Weight: 3,95 kg.

Maximum capacity: 17 liters.

Acumulator pump: pressure of 10 atm. and capacity of 0,5 liters.

This atomizer has been produced with first quality materials making it resistant to all types of phytosanitary products.

  • Tank made of polyethylene that makes it resistant to the attack of chemical products, with an inlet opening large enough to allow easy filling, in said mouth it has a filter and a threaded plastic cover that allows air to enter. The tank has a content indicator and is equipped with a back separator that facilitates perspiration avoiding excessive sweat. The mouth where the accumulator pump is inserted has a plastic ring and a greasing felt incorporated.
  • Base made of shock resistant material, attached to the tank by 4 stainless steel screws.

  • Very resistant straps with adjustable hooks to allow a precise fit to the body.
  • Faucet or outlet valve with piston system and internal filter for proper operation
  • High resistance metal lever and connecting rod designed for the user to make the minimum effort, the lever is coated in thermo-lacquered paint and the connecting rod is protected from corrosion by electrolytic bath (zinc plated).
  • The accumulator pump is made of reinforced polyamide and withstands pressures above 10 atm.; through its two stainless steel balls the function of closing and opening is carried out causing vacuum by means of a rubber shoe.
  • The atomizer is provided with an extension of 0.65 mts long, and adjustable brass exit hole. 

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