Highflow on-line dripper

This on-line high flow dripper gives you a wide flow possibilities by turning the upper part. It makes this dripper very suitable for almost any situation. Each turn is divided in 16 “clicks” for a better and proper adjustment.
By using with pressures over 1 bar, it is possible to obtain flows of over 100 l/h (see table).

Material/s: Made with material resistant to agrochemicals and the effects of UV radiation.

Features: Adjustable from 0 and 60 l/h. approx. with 1 bar pressure.

Assembly: Perforate the pipe with a 3 mm punch re. 1170/1158.


  • Average flow at 1bar: 0 to 60 l / h. Approximately.
  • Maximum recommended working pressure: 3 bar.
  • Adjustable, each lap is divided into 16 “clicks”.
  • It is not recommended to open more than 2 turns.

    *Indicative number of clicks

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